Custom House is a high-end custom clothing shop founded by Kurt Riber, a talented, personal tailor with over 20 years of experience helping business leaders around the northwest look their absolute best.

If you are one of Kurt’s loyal customers, then you already know that he makes great suits, jackets, slacks, skirts, and shirts for busy men and women. You also know that he provides quality accessories like ties, cuff links, shoes and belts.

We’d love to hear from you! Please send testimonials to

Hate shopping? Have trouble finding clothes that fit right off the rack?

Kurt offers a sincere personal, consultative approach, which saves you valuable time and having to deal with pushy and obnoxious salespeople at the mall.


We make office & house calls 206-227-1956

Contact us to schedule an appointment. Meetings can be set on site at your office or residence. Private meeting space is also available in downtown Seattle, Bellevue and Portland.